Based on a Fritz Leiber Jr. science-fiction short story, Game For Motel Room centers on an itinerant man brought in for an unspecified job, which leads to a night on the town with a very tall and strange woman who could be from another galaxy.
Details: 80min/Color/Sound
featuring Pierre Perrier and Lucy Owen
Produced by Glen Macura & Alvin Case / screenplay adaptation by Edward Case / Edited by Jenn Druchniak & Alvin Case
Production Design: David Marks / Assistant DOP: Janine Fonte / Sound: Djim Reynolds /Art Direction: Jennifer Watkins
Filmed over 10 days. in January 2015 when Pierre Perrier was on break from filming The Returned, the production team took inspiration from the an earlier 1964 French TV movie adaptation Petite Planéte de Vacances written by Philipe Bordier and directed by Marie-Joséphe Dubergey.
Sales Agency: Aspect Ratio Films LLC